I think the most easy to make cake is to make the contents stay shredded lemper buy in the store. Easy, do not believe believe? try itself. But that must be considered from lemper cake is wrapped packaging or the way, what's not interesting?
Materials To Make Shredded Lemper ready:
500 grams of glutinous rice, soak for 2 hours, drained
Abon ready
1 stalk lemongrass, crushed
300 ml thick coconut milk
2 pieces of pandan leaf
Salt to taste
Pandan leaves / banana leaf / paper to wrap the rice to taste
How to Make Shredded Lemper ready to use:
First: Cook the coconut milk, salt, lemon grass and pandan leaves to boil.
Second: Enter the glutinous rice, coconut milk stirring until absorbed and then steamed until cooked. lift and leave to cool slightly.
Third: For the sticky rice dough into several parts. Take one part of the sticky rice, fill with 1 teaspoon shredded.
Last: round oval shape and then wrapped with pandan leaves / banana leaf / paper rice
TIPS: Wash rice ketannya should really clean, so the result is white the lemper clean and odor fast guns.
Tahu kuping
Tahu Kuping adalah makanan khas Tegal terbuat dari Tahu yang dipotong diagonal lalu diberi tepung kanji di atasnya. Asal makanan ini adalah dari Banjaran Tegal.
Poci lemah
Terbuat dari tanah liat sebagai wadah untuk membuat minuman teh. Masyarakat Tegal sudah kental dengan budaya MOCI (kumpul-kumpul sambil menikmati teh)
Sop buntut
Bukan sembarang buntut untuk membuat Sup ini. Tetapi buntut sapi, selain warnanya yang menggoda selera, juga rasanya yang tiada tandingannya.